Our Objectives & Policies

The main purpose of Future Living Hertford is to support people who have experienced an incident or pattern of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading and/or violent behaviour. This abuse can include but is not limited to, psychological, physical, sexual, emotional, or economic abuse in line with The Domestic Abuse Act 2021.

The objects of the CIO are :

  1. To help and support anyone who has felt vulnerable through abusive relationships in order to make them feel stronger, more empowered and able to make healthy life choices for themselves and their families.
  2. Provide a community based programme of recovery from domestic abuse or addictions.
  1. Break the cycle of domestic abuse for future generations.
  1. Give children a voice in their future.
  1. Provide therapeutic interventions for children and young people who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse or ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) 
  1. Provide a parenting programme for parents of children who have witnessed or been victims of domestic abuse.
  1. Develop and deliver educational programmes and training for service users, businesses, and professionals, surrounding domestic abuse and its effects, to enhance their knowledge and understanding.
  1. Provide interventions for those experiencing poor mental wellbeing.

Future Living Hertford –  Environmental Statement

Future Living has long been aware of its environmental footprint and is excited to progress this further by seeking continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment by conserving energy, water and other natural resources; reducing waste generation; and recycling.

We are in the process of writing a full ESG strategy and policy which we will publish on our website over the coming months, ensuring our commitment to our values.

We are delighted as a part of the next steps for us, to be hosting an event during Eco Fest in September this year as part of East Herts Council commitment to the environment.

We look forward to working with our community, partners and local authority through this project, encouraging them to commit to the strategy too.  For further information contact: [email protected]

Charity governance

See our operational policies below

Our policies set out our approach to creating a safe, ethical and legally compliant environment for us to operate within.

Click the linked documents to open them as PDFs in a new browser window.

Client complaints

hands holding paper family cutout, family