Our Campaigns

Charity publicity

Raising awareness and changing policy

With your help and that of our partners, Future Living Hertford is a voice for positive change for the victims and survivors of domestic abuse. 

Just like the funds raised in our name, our campaigns help us to raise awareness of these important issues for the women, men, children and families we seek to serve.

With support, these campaign issues are taken into the political sphere to enact policy change that will increase the scale and positive impact of domestic abuse reduction programmes.

Thank you for choosing to support Future Living Hertford through our campaigns detailed below.

stop violence purple ribbon
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Children’s Voices

Riding on the back of information of how women were experiencing ‘secondary abuse’ by ex partners controlling and, in some cases, abusing children whilst on visits, a Children’s Voices Campaign has been launched with funding from the Lloyds Bank Foundation highlighting the plight of some children and working towards opportunities for the courts to hear their voices.  

The campaign was launched on 15th June 2021 at Vale House by keynote speakers, Victoria Aitken MP and Julie Marson MP, both of whom have been instrumental in amending the Domestic Abuse Bill. 

Children listen

Children’s Voices is our campaign for change for children to have their thoughts, feelings and voices heard, particularly in the judicial arena where contact orders are being decided.

With your help we are able to influence and support those decision makers to ensure the quality of child arrangements especially where domestic abuse is involved.

Help us by signing up to support our campaign and make a difference to children’s lives, breaking the cycle of domestic abuse for the future.

Email us at: [email protected] to show your individual and/or organisation’s support.