Wise Guys

Our support services

A programme for male victims of domestic violence and abuse.

As leaders in the field of domestic abuse services for women, Future Living Hertford is adding to its already significant and successful programmes to support male survivors of domestic violence and abuse.  

Our Wise Guys programme is dedicated to supporting men who have experienced domestic abuse.

This exciting new programme is free to access and makes weekly personal counselling available to each client at affordable rates. The programme is can be delivered in person or online depending on the needs of the group.

The service is also self-referring so there is no need for you to go to your doctor first, or to be already in receipt of support from mental health services. You can just fill in the online referral form or telephone and arrange an assessment.

Refer using our Referral Form.

Comforting hand
Young Man Having Counselling Session
"Thank-you Future Living, I am so grateful there is a service like this for men."
- supported by Future Living Hertford
Disappointed man covering his face

Breaking down the barriers

Domestic abuse towards men is happening.  It’s happening right now. And we need to talk about it. Let’s stop shuffling this issue under the carpet and let’s start helping you when you feel you have nowhere to turn.

All too often men are tasked by society to keep up appearances. Future Living wants to break down these taboos and get to the heart of the matter. Helping you to move forward in your lives with dignity, strength and hope.

If you feel you can contribute any information, which will be treated in strictest confidence (you don’t have to give your name or contact details) but know that you will be helping others in gaining the help you and they need to overcome your trauma.

"Future Living Hertford has helped me to remember the person that I was and still am."
"Great place to open up with like minded souls."

An environment for peers to meet & talk

It has already been evidenced that sharing in a safe environment can lead to positive outcomes for both the sharer and those listening, and Future Living wants to create an environment for peers to meet and talk. Depending on the needs of the group we run the programme in person or online. 

The group work is designed to build trusted relationships with like-minded men in a safe environment and learn the skills necessary for you to move forward and flourish in life.


People Attending Self Help Therapy Group