Children’s Voices – An amazing and worthwhile campaign

The evolution of storytelling  reflects how people learn and communicate.  Through oral storytelling or written storytelling, the voice of narration will always have a place and a purpose

We believe the above to be true of our Children’s Voices Campaign,  their narrative is their truth from the heart of the child and we should listen.  It is how we learn about children’s joy and fear; how we help them to communicate their feelings and how we can best support them in the often dangerous world of domestic abuse.

This is particularly true of children who are victims of or spectators in the arena of domestic abuse in their homes.   Home should be a safe space for children and as carers it is our job to ensure they feel safe and, more importantly, heard.  Often where there is domestic abuse there is separation from one parent or the other and it’s the job of the parents and often the Courts, to sort out contact arrangements in the best interests of the child.  

All too often and with the best will intended by adults, the voice of the child is lost.  We want to rectify that and help all those organisations involved in the decision-making process to become better equipped to hear the words of the children.

The Future Living team and trustees are excited and optimistic now the time is nearing to launch the Children’s Voices campaign and short film relating to children living in abusive households.  The launch date is set for Thursday, 9th September at 12 noon at the charity’s AGM at the University of Hertfordshire.

There has been a great deal of interest and speculation surrounding this campaign. Our hopes are that the people who are the decision makers and interpret the children’s needs and wishes, will register to become a part of a solution focused, collaborative working party.   The working party will look at how to provide the very best of therapeutic care to children and young people whilst undertaking the report writing which will reflect their needs and wishes for the future.  This will enable Children’s Voices to be heard.

This involves change.  We plan on developing a training model for those specialists involved in the process to roll out as a pilot over Hertfordshire in the coming year.  A model the charity hopes will become a national template for organisations who are the important decision makers surrounding children’s future care.

Is this something your organisation could influence and might want to be involved in?  Do  you have knowledge and expertise that could help inform the model? Would you like to attend the AGM where this initiative will be launched and sign up?  If so, please contact Sandra Conte at Future Living for an invitation: [email protected].  Places are limited as we are adhering to safety measures surrounding the release from lockdown, so please email early to avoid disappointment.

Remember, your input could make a world of difference to a vulnerable child’s life; let’s all work together and make a change and a difference for the future of Children’s Voices.


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