Future Living Hertford expands it’s Creative Therapy Services for Children & Young People

Sandra Conte, CEO of Future Living Hertford, is delighted to announce the return, of one of it’s previous and highly qualified and popular counsellors, Mia Turner, to the charity, as a member of the staff team.  Mia  will be responsible for the Children & Young People’s Services, The Base.  Services have successfully expanded under Nicola Freeth’s guidance, as head of Domestic Abuse Services.  However, Nicola’s own work in domestic abuse is more than a full time role. She now needs to hand over the reigns to a specialist child and adult  therapist, Mia.

Mia, Future Living Hertford’s  Specialist Child and Adult Therapist


The need for counselling for children & young people

So many children today are struggling with poor mental health. This has been brought on by a variety of circumstances beyond their control: Covid 19, lockdown when there was no school, isolation, returning to school, peer pressure, suicidal ideation and self harm practices.  These factors, together with growing up in an uncertain world, have exacerbated poor mental wellbeing.  Our young people deserve a helping hand.  This is what Future Living Hertford does best.


The charity recognises the need for specific and unique services for children and young people that offer them a bespoke, safe and non judgemental space to explore their difficulties and help support them through the maze of uncertainty they experience growing up.  Future Living does this well!  We are creative, think outside the box and make the client the centre of our focus.  Children and young people lead the way for us with innovation. They are often brutally honest, we need to be listening and hear them. They lead and we will follow.


Working with children is something  Mia and Future Living are passionate about and really good at.  We have collected a wealth of creative resources for children and young people to use, and have a dedicated wing of our building devoted to their care.  They can sing, play music, use sand trays, sculpt, paint, talk, play – all expressive ways that children can enjoy growing up and where they can really develop their understanding of themselves.  They can share their worries and concerns in a confidential setting.


Supporting the whole family

Future Living are also planning on working alongside  parents who need a bit of help in engaging with their children to make the home a place of calm, peace and safety for everyone.  Family life is never easy and not always smooth but, as parents, we all play our part in working towards better outcomes for our children in the future, and helping them find their place in life.


We are confident with Mia’s expertise and Future Living’s experience and knowledge surrounding our children and young people, we can support the next generation in reaching their full potential, meet their goals and lead a happy life in the future.


The services are available for one to one sessions with Mia at a highly discounted cost of £30 per session for children and £50 per session for adults (or parents jointly).

Please contact [email protected] for further information.


We welcome Mia and look forward to some exciting developments over the coming months and years – so watch this space!


Sandra Conte, CEO


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