Lloyds Bank Foundation – Winners in Understanding Charity needs

I am delighted to announce that we have, once again, been granted a Lloyds Bank Foundation grant for the next three years.  Lloyds Bank Foundation have supported us over a number of years, understanding the needs of a charity like ours working in the domestic abuse sector, and the need for repeat funding. The saying ‘if it aint broke why fix it’ comes to mind. Today grant organisations seem to want new ideas all the time. Which for a charity like our own can be daunting as what we do really works.


Future Living Hertford delivers some unique programmes for survivors of domestic abuse – both male and female.  They are truly successful programmes and our clients are a testament to that.  

We really listen to what our clients and community tell us. Through regular community/client forums, feedback from both staff and clients, and from 2 clients as board members.  As board members they can help steer the direction of the charity from top to bottom.  


Clients are also mentors in the delivery of our programmes. They are currently delivering training to organisations like the police, in the award winning Lived DA Training. Something we have developed in house and are really proud of.  They speak at Conferences, our AGM and have even contributed to a book now published.  The book tells a variety of stories from their life experiences. Please support our charity by purchasing a book for £15 and gift aiding it wherever possible. You can purchase a copy of the book HERE


Lloyds Bank Foundation are a rare and different type of funder. They really get to know the recipients; their work; how they think, and what their needs are outside of money.  Everyone needs money today to run charities. Despite a large group of volunteers helping us deliver some of our projects, but it goes beyond that.  We all have bills to pay to provide a comfortable building in which to deliver our variety of face to face services.  All of our income is spent on the clients, meeting their needs in whatever way we can. 

However, as a result of the commitment of our team members including trustees, we have grown rapidly over ten years. From humble beginnings two mornings a week in a local church hall to a large, dedicated building that encompasses the needs of the whole family.   We are constantly trying to catch up with our rapid growth. To maintain our professional stance, to have policies that protect all, to work in a truly client informed, professional way and develop our services, programmes, whilst gaining accreditation and awards .All the time serving our clients.  We are campaigning for the rights of our community and client group. 


Lloyds Bank Foundation has contributed to Future Living Herford’s success with more than money. Over the 6 years and now a further 3 years, they have provided mentoring in areas that we need to develop, as a part of our funding contract.  Personally, I have learned so much from their specialists. It’s given me the tools to manage the breadth and width of the charity and take it where it needs to go.  It’s given me understanding, ideas and training where I needed it. 

We are now confident in our ability to continue into the future, even in the current difficult funding situation that many charities find themselves in, post covid. We are, once again, looking at the needs of the charity to enjoy some of the ‘in-kind’ mentorship programmes on offer from Lloyds Bank Foundation.  If they don’t have something currently to fit our needs,  then they will find someone to support us.


I recently received a handwritten letter from Paul Streets, former CEO of Lloyds Bank Foundation. The letter confirmed why the panel thought we were worthy of the grant. Citing our impact on clients in the area of domestic abuse, and encouraging us to continue our valuable work.  It meant a great deal to be recognised for the Team’s efforts. I felt that I didn’t just fill in a grant application. I made an ally who really understood Future Living Hertford’s needs, and who I know would provide the development  support needed over the life of the grant and beyond.


A personal thank you to Paul, Frances, one of his team, and all the other team members that contribute to the success of not just our own charity, but many more.


Sandra Conte, CEO & Founder  


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