Our meeting with the DAC Geographical Lead

CEO and founder of Future Living, Sandra  was delighted to meet online with the Rachel Millar, Practice & Partnership Geographic Lead for the East of England, attached to the Domestic Abuse Commissioners Office, alongside Nicola, Future Livings DA Lead.


Rachel wanted to engage with local service partners and find out more about the work we are delivering to victims of domestic abuse, and understand  the barriers and challenges facing our clients. She was also keen to highlight innovation and good practice such as the charity’s Monica programme.  


She wanted to link our work and findings with the work of the DA Commissioner, to ensure that the experiences of clients and the services meeting those needs were heard by the DA Commissioner, and included in strategies moving forward.


Both Sandra and Nicola were really interested to hear about  the research already carried out with other service providers and victims nationwide, and also the ongoing strategic work being undertaken to meet future needs.  

Sandra added:
‘’We all know that wheels turn slowly and change doesn’t happen overnight, rather like the journeys of our DA survivors.  However, it was really heartening to hear that all of the areas we reported from clients as being vital to successful recovery, were on the Commissioner’s office’s radar.


We are going to meet with Rachel on a quarterly basis  to exchange information and watch the progress of this piece of work, which will inform the Government’s response to the needs of survivors of domestic abuse.’’ 



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