How counselling helped me breathe again

From the end of my first session, I knew I had finally found a counsellor I connected with.

It was so different to all the other counselling I had tried. finally, I felt heard and not judged. I was at ease and the anxiety I initially had, melted away within a few minutes. 


I understand how hard it can be to start counselling. Especially if like me you’re unfortunate enough to have suffered a bad experience with it in the past. The counselling service at Future Living is, by far the most beneficial service I have accessed. I was met with warmth, compassion and understanding from my first contact. This has remained during all of my visits to Vale House.


It’s amazing that something as simple as the act of talking can have such a huge impact.  For me, it really did help with how I was feeling. When I first came to my sessions, I was low and lost with where my life was heading. Talking to my counsellor each week allowed me to gain clarity as to why I felt the way I did. It made me feel clearer in my mind. I was able to express some deep emotions that I had previously kept inside. To release them made me feel lighter and more able to deal with everyday life.


The type of counselling offered is client led, meaning I always felt in control of my sessions and never felt any pressure to share anything which made me feel uncomfortable. It’s helpful that the sessions were weekly as I could literally offload everything that had been compressing in my mind from that week, meaning I had a clear head ready for the new week ahead. This is something that really helped as I no longer had that feeling that everything was stacking up in my mind, I was able to clear space and process and reflect upon my feelings. 


I am speaking only of my experience, everyone is different, and I think it’s important to remember, what may work for one person may not work for someone else BUT, if you don’t try, you’ll never know if it is something that can make a difference to your life in the way it’s made such a impactful difference to mine. 

I am proud to be a client of Future Living, they are a charity that give so much and help transform lives.


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