Future Living and Herts Police

Future Living Domestic Abuse  Lead,  Nicola Freeth and Trustee, Annie Brewster, were delighted to attend and present at an event at Hertfordshire Police HQ. This was the first event of its kind for officers to become specialised Domestic Abuse Influencers within the force. The initiative involves police staff from across all departments volunteering to be expert champions within their teams. They will aim to be a source of support for their colleagues in DA matters. It is an extremely positive initiative. Run and attended by passionate individuals who want to improve the service and support provided to victims of DA.


How Future Living are helping to raise awareness….

The nature of domestic abuse means that many survivors are not able to voice their feedback on their interactions with the police. Future Living is uniquely placed to gather that feedback. We then share it in a productive way to help the force reflect and identify training needs. Clients feel confident to share their experiences with the trusted Future Living team. Often, victims are keen for this information to be shared to improve the system for future victims.


To start the presentation Annie shared her passion for collaborative working between organisations. As a trustee of Future Living she is aware of the clients we support. Annie is keen to raise awareness of the challenges they face in a larger arena. From her experience  in previous roles and future role as High Sheriff of Hertfordshire,


During the presentation, Nicola was able to give insight into the damaging effects of domestic abuse. She helped raise awareness about the importance of victims feeling validated. Ensuring the victim is believed from their first interaction with an officer. Case studies and feedback from clients were shared, highlighting both good and bad practise. Nicola said of the event, 


It is wonderful to see so many officers from across the police force passionate about making a difference to victims of domestic abuse. The police staff volunteering are all there for their own reasons. From the questions they raised and the enthusiasm for further training, it was refreshing to see the appetite for bettering the support for victims.’


What is next?

The Herts Police team coordinating the event are looking to improve DA responses and increase officer awareness.  We are delighted to report that Hertfordshire Police have now agreed for Future Living Hertford  to run two pilot training sessions with their officers in March this year, focusing on police responses to domestic abuse. We are looking forward to our clients helping deliver this training and opening vital conversations with officers and clients,  surrounding how reporting makes them feel and what we can achieve together to improve experiences for all.


Comments from the CEO of Future Living Hertford

I am delighted with the partnership working between the police and our is charity enabling the voices of our clients to be heard.  We have been working with the police for some months to establish a connection directly with domestic abuse clients and this partnership working is really benefitting everyone involved.  I look forward to the development of strong relationships with the police and reaping the benefits for clients in future.


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