The Benefits of our Community Groups!

Future Living Hertford has always prided itself in responding to client needs and where possible, to then expand this service to include the wider community. Our art therapy courses came about in response to seeing how much our clients benefited and enjoyed art therapy as part of our group work for Domestic Abuse survivors, the Monica Programme.


In response to lockdown this year, (and the loneliness and isolation this caused for so many in our community) as soon as we were able to safely do so, we began a range of art therapy courses from Jewellery making to a quilting group which have both been hugely successful and which we will repeat and build on (keep an eye on the website for news of new courses).


Our quilting group has been especially successful, so much so that the group have now taken ownership of the aims and objectives of the course, they are contributing to our community heritage project by creating a beautiful bespoke quilt and have plans to continue long after this course has ended with lots of exciting plans for the future!


We are always pleased to receive feedback that demonstrates the benefits of our community projects and the below is a lovely example, from one ‘satisfied customer’  of the impact our weekly, free to access art therapy courses can have on people in our local community.


I just wanted to write and thank you for the quilt making course and to let you know how very much I am enjoying it. Although normally fairly outgoing I have found the recent lockdowns during the pandemic have made me less willing to socialise and far more prone to ‘down’ days. The course has been a real boon in that I have met some new friends, have taken up a craft which I’ve long wanted to do and most of all has helped me feel more ‘human’ again. 


Working together in the group has been interesting not only learning about Quilting itself, but also about the community that I live in. We decided early on, as you know, to make a communal quilt to reflect what recent events have meant to us. As a result, we have researched areas of the town, learnt more about Vale House and what it does for the community – we’ve also learnt more about each other and how lockdown has affected us all.  I feel I have a new and exciting craft in my life – so much so that all my birthday presents have been Quilting accessories – books, templates, sewing machine accoutrements and best of all, material. I regularly research patterns, quilting ideas and now the history of quilts and quilters. None of this would have happened without the course! 


Ultimately, we would love to have our first quilt, and others, as part of the proposed cafe so that this will inspire others to want to come and join us and reap the benefits that we have – coping with life, making friends and learning a new skill. I know you are considering breadmaking courses and the opening of the cafe to sell home-made bread and cakes and I’m positive that this will foster a real community spirit in the area adding significantly to what has already been started with the Quilting course. I’d certainly support it and volunteer to help out where needed.


From one small thing so a passion grows and boy have you ignited a passion. My husband might not forgive you but I certainly thank you!


To receive such wonderful feedback is so encouraging and we hope to launch lots of new and exciting courses in the future.  Should you want to get in touch to discuss current or future courses or for any further information please drop a line to Kim at [email protected] or you can call the office on 01992 537 344.


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